Download A Virus On Purpose

Intended use; Download; MEMBERS AREA. Loginname: Password: BE UP TO DATE RSS FEED Order eicar news and events as rss feed. EICAR News EICAR Events. YOU ARE HERE. This test file has been provided to EICAR for distribution as the 'EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File', and it satisfies all the criteria listed above. It is safe to pass around. Summary This article describes how you can use an EICAR test file to see how your antivirus software works. EICAR test file EICAR Standard Anti-Virus Test File (EICAR) is a safe file developed by the European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research (EICAR) for testing anitvirus software.

I've received an email from someone I don't trust at all. It had no message just a link to a website
h t t p:// A Virus On Purpose
it goes to a page that says youve been sent here by a friend or something similar and then anti virus stopped it going further.
The email was not sent to a huge list of people from the senders inbox, it was only sent to me and a very close friend of the sender (who used to build computers and knows a great deal about them).

How To Download A Virus On Purpose

Is it likely this email was sent on purpose? Is there anyway I can prove this? What was the likely aim of a virus like this - to hack my email or just crash my whole computer?

I Want A Virus Download

Edit: Link to deceptive website deactivated to prevent anyone from inadvertently getting infected. Please do not visit that site without adequate malware protection enabled.~ Animal

Where Can I Download A Virus