Star Wars Galaxies Iso Download Torrent Hound

You might think that music and movie publishers are delighted at the closure of The Pirate Bay – and they probably are. At the same time, though, this closure represents a security risk to downloaders, illegal or otherwise.

Ask yourself: can you trust the Pirate Bay mirrors that are popping up everywhere?

Star Wars Galaxies ISO Download: SWG Legends: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PSN. Cant seem to find a good torrent most ask for a password or is some really complicated pain I just want an iso I can mount install plus I don't. Browse and download Movies torrents on Isohunt torrent search engineHere is a. The Pirate Bay is the galaxy's most resilient BitTorrent site. A near replica clone. Txt) or read online. Com/watch?v=IHFglZu8ecoisoHunt is a. The latest release entitle '5 Days of War' was also entitled '5 Days of August' well, as for now.

The Pirate Bay: Ship Sunk

Swedish police have pulled the plug on The Pirate BayMicrosoft Teases Windows 10 Release, The Pirate Bay Goes Offline [Tech News Digest]Microsoft Teases Windows 10 Release, The Pirate Bay Goes Offline [Tech News Digest]Also, Amazon lets you haggle, Wikipedia blasts off into space, get SimCity 2000 for free, and discover Bill Gates' best books of 2014.Read More, a notorious online database of torrent trackers. It was, put simply, the most popular resource for illegal downloaders to find the links to the movies, albums, books and software they were looking to get for free.

The website’s founders were judged guilty of assisting copyright infringement in 2009, but The Pirate Bay continued. Its popularity prompted media companies to lobby governments and ISPs to have it blocked.

In 2012, this happened in the UK, with various ISPs opting to ban access to The Pirate Bay. This didn’t really work, however, as various clones and mirrors of the site were launched, resulting in a near-impossible task of endlessly blocking websites. It therefore became relatively simple to find versions of the site that offered proxy connections.

As before, this latest setback isn’t really a victory. The Pirate Bay itself might no longer be open for business (a business which was largely advertising based, much to the disappointment of the original founders) but its vast database of torrents remains, adopted by various other websites including various Pirate Bay clones and even rivals ISOHunt.toIsoHunt Resurrects The Pirate Bay, Mr Hoverboard Copies Marty McFly [Tech News Digest]IsoHunt Resurrects The Pirate Bay, Mr Hoverboard Copies Marty McFly [Tech News Digest]Also, Facebook dumps Bing, PS Plus & Xbox Live are worth the money, Apple releases holiday ad, a clock full of tweets, and the new trailer for Blackhat.Read More, who themselves are offering a script and database to anyone who wants to run their own clone.

The Jolly Pirates Appear Unified… But Are They?

With proxies and mirrors available for downloaders to continue to find links to the movies and albums they are helping themselves to, the end of The Pirate Bay isn’t really the end at all. Rather, it is a transition, a modest change in habit. Rather than visit The Pirate Bay’s usual URL, downloaders now only need to visit a clone or ISOHunt.

Really, the only thing the Swedish police has achieved is to release the pressure on itself to act.

But it might seem that the continued existence of The Pirate Bay’s tracker database in other forms is exciting, and represents the “ongoing struggle against the system”, the real facts are far less romantic.

Those hanging onto The Pirate Bay’s coattails do not have the interests of their visitors in mind when they load their sites with adverts and popups. They have little time for managing the community, the peer-review process that lets potential downloaders know when a file is corrupt… or worse.

Online Threats Faced By Torrenters

In short, things have just got a lot more dangerous for anyone using The Pirate Bay. While anyone using bittorrent for downloading (remember, legal, approved material is also available, as explained in our free guideThe Torrent Guide for EveryoneThe Torrent Guide for EveryoneThis beginner's guide is a great introduction to peer-to-peer file sharing with BitTorrent. Get started with torrent downloading in a safe and responsible way with our tips here.Read More) should already by using a peer-to-peer security tool (such as PeerGuardian, although note these tools don’t prevent your IP being traced), the lack of care that seems to be demonstrated by the clones when it comes to adverts makes it very clear that these sites are simply cash cows, and you’re the grass.

We’ve covered the various threats to torrenters previously, and with less oversight from The Pirate Bay clones, and their general attitude to advertising, we can assert the following security and privacy concerns:

  • Intrusive advertising (which is almost always adult in tone).
  • Increased likelihood in malware being embedded in pages and adverts.
  • Use of annoying and intrusive popup adverts.
  • Increased likelihood of malware-loaded downloads.
  • Lack of security for those with commenting accounts.

All of these things were a problem before; but with cloned sites racing to be seen as the “new” Pirate Bay as quickly as possible, or just to make a quick buck, they’re suddenly major issues rather than concerns to be addressed with your anti-virus/anti-malware tools.


Time To Lower The Flag: The Pirate Bay Has Gone And With It Safer Torrenting

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Torrenting can be dangerous. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do it; if you were downloading a digitally delivered game that you have just purchased, or perhaps a copy of Linux or another open source operating system, the chances are that you might be doing so using the bittorrent network, simply because this method of downloading reduces strain on the server.


When it comes to The Pirate Bay and IsoHunt, however, the danger is very real. Not only are you likely to be breaching copyright (a moral issue for you to decide upon, not for us to make a judgement) but the malware and privacy risks really are too great.

As far as “popular” torrenting is concerned, the comparative safety that existed at The Pirate Bay – even as a legacy of the original founders rather than a focus of those who replaced them – is gone, and safe torrent downloads with it.

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Are you an ex-torrenter? 8ball and mjg greatest hits download. Have you been the victim of torrent based malware? Will you be continuing to download via The Pirate Bay’s various clones? Let us know.

Featured Image Credit: Jolly Roger via Shutterstock
Image Credit: Virus Bug via Shutterstock

Explore more about: Anti-Malware, BitTorrent, Online Security.

Star Wars Galaxies Iso Download Torrent Hound For Kids

  1. And here I am, posting in 2017 to note: This was quite a bullshit tornado of an article =). Torrenting is still around, TPB is still up, and so on. So.. Yeah.

    Innuendo and assumption are not the basis of a good article.

  2. there's not only tpb.

  3. As long as wealth is kept scarce in the age where conveyor belts can make healthy, wholesome food for 10 cents a kilo..

    As long as people work worthless jobs shredding papers, ruining the forests, etc.
    Stacking shelves and other shit that robots should be doing by now..
    Dumping shit in the oceans..
    As long as we remain less when we know we can be more.

    Piracy, communism (not Stalinism), technocracy, meritocracy-- these ideas will survive and even thrive.
    As the U.S. implodes on it's obscene levels of corruption, the class war will rise to biblical proportions.

    By then piracy won't be the issue. Surviving will be.
    The land will be painted red 3000 miles across.

    • Communism is not surviving. If anything millennials who have trotted it out have been laughed at and excoriated.

  4. As for TPB, long before this last bust, that site was part of a semi-malicious ad network connected (in theory) to questionable bot-nets that WERE hosted on those same 'underground' servers. Regardless, the shady people behind these crooked ad networks where most likely the same folks power-seeding all those popular torrents. Why? It brought in traffic to TPB. Mo-traffic = mo-ad-clicks + exploits = mo-money. Yup, much of the BT community is a facade. Just look at what Utorrent did, by stealing users CPUs to secretly power their Bitcoin mining operation! That said, if you don't trust BT sites, or the web for that matter, just go 'find that dude' who has 20TB of 'everything', buy some hard drives and make some copies. No web needed.

  5. This article falls short. Personally, I don't trust ANY sites that run ad networks with Java and Flash. Also, most often it's the popular sites and services we think we can trust that malware comes from. For example, right now, gamers on Steam are being targeted by the TeslaCrypt ransomware. And, some of the worst malware ever was released with the help on Sony.. I don't know which is worse, half-baked articles like this or the dopey folks that believe them. Understand this, hackers are after our money, so they compromise those related sites/apps/files. I say you are way safer downloading pirated media than using a credit card on the web.

  6. the end was hilarious

  7. Sounds more like a marketing scheme to get people to switch than an informative newsworthy story. Nice try, shitnugget. I'm still a pirate.

  8. I see the future to be more like 3click.TV, streaming content is no risk to the user. But that doesn't help collectors

  9. Why do you act like the Pirate Bay was the only torrent site out there? There are still plenty of other sites out there which all existed before the Pirate Bay and are still as safe as they always were.

    'Safe torrenting' may be more difficult, but it's not gone. And I put that in quotes, because torrenting was never really safe.

  10. Nice try fat boy. This post sounds like someone that has their own agenda. And your agenda isn't necessarily mine so piss off.

  11. Uh, Hello, the Pirate is back up again. My question is, how do we know it's not the po-po running the show now ? Any thoughts on this?

  12. I love love this show!

  13. for all those that say torrenting is wrong ( both civilian and lawmakers) I have a question.

    whats the difference between downloading the file from the internet and my loaning out my cd/dvd to all my friends and letting them rip coppies?????

    I know software is a different story so please dont start on that

  14. Something wicked this way comes. As preposterous as it may sound, agents behind DMCA slams will probably create unintended consequences coming up shortly for themselves. Just like changes have occurred throughout human history (sometimes violently) with the sharing of information, everything from scribbling on a cave wall to the advent of the printing press, things change. I recently grabbed a book from the author Carl Hiaasen out of a used book depot. They have a donation box and appreciate a buck or two, or, simply drop a book off and exchange for another for free. A co-worker was interested in it and when I was done, I dropped it in his mailbox. Two readers/consumers but Carl Hiaasen didn't make any money. Isn't this technically file sharing? Should we summarily shut down all the libraries of the world because an author throws a hissy-fit that someone is reading his/her book without paying? I also checked out a dvd from the library, the award winning movie 'Philomena'.. Same deal, nobody from the production of the movie made any money. The library got a buck (donation) and I watched a great movie. A neighbor was interested, watched it, and returned to the library. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act may have inadvertently created an electronic information monster they will NOT be able to stop. The Gutenberg Press temporarily created situations of massive greed back in the 1400's (a copy of the bible would require years of salary from a commoner to purchase) that would obviously, not be sustainable as 'hyper-proliferation' of printing presses was soon observed - mankind was changed forever after a brief raid on wallets. Good luck DMCA, you're going to need it. Tribler is just a warning tremor of things to come.

  15. Yes Wilfred you're right about VHS tapes. The industry has already induced millions of people to buy millions of bluray movies that they already own in DVD format. Even dumber is that people paid a 2-3 times higher price for the bluray than for the same movie they already bought in DVD format. Prices are so high because of seller's greed & because dumb people willingly pay for way overpriced items.

  16. I'm very old, living on a fixed income, and I wasn't going to buy those movies I download as I have no money, so nobody is out any money they were never going to get anyway. And frankly I don't even know what a tracker is!

    Besides.. I already paid for those movies when I bought them as VHS media, which became worthless! I'll be darned if I'm going to pay for them again.

  17. Bring back Win MX!!!!!!

  18. 'Have you been the victim of torrent based malware?'

    No because I know how to distinguish the real thing from the bullshit. Kinda like I can with this article.

    Jump to Download Visual Studio 2015 - To download Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, click on the download button. The files are downloaded from our free. Hi issam1975, Here it is, just under Choose format, select: ISO Nov 30, 2015 - Microsoft today released a new major update for Visual Studio 2015. Te software giant today released Update 1 for Visual Studio, which brings.

  19. TPB was just the most known site. Nothing to do with being safe or not. The more known it got to be the more noobs and unknowledgable idiots that went there. Not sure how you decided popularity equals safety. For the longest time Usenet was 100000% safer than torrents, probably still is, but I bet only about 1% of those tpb'ers probably even touched Usenet. Not sure what his point really was beyond the clickbait.

    • agreed

  20. Private trackers are the bomb.

  21. TPB has been garbage for a long time, this article is complete and utter nonsense.
    How much did you get paid to plug all those companies at the end, hm?


    Tron (1982)
    WarGames (1983)
    IMSAI 8080
    Prime Risk (1985)
    Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
    Defense Play (1989)
    IBM Personal Computer XT
    Sneakers (1992)
    The Net (1995)
    Hackers (1995)
    Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
    Masterminds (1997)
    23 (1998)
    Entrapment (1999)
    The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
    Takedown (2000)
    Swordfish (2001)
    What's the Worst That Could Happen? (2001)
    Code Hunter (2002)
    Bedwin Hacker (2003)
    The Italian Job (2003)
    The Incredibles (2004)
    Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)
    Firewall (2006)
    The Net 2.0 (2006)
    Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
    WALL-E (2008)
    WarGames: The Dead Code (2008)
    Robot & Frank (2012)
    Disconnect (2013)
    Algorithm - the hacker movie (2014)

    The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)
    We Are Legion (2012)
    Hackers Wizards of the Electronic Age (1984)
    Hackers Outlaws and Angels
    Codes makers and breakers
    Hippies from Hell
    Cyber War
    Hackers in Wonderland (2000)
    New York City Hackers (2000)
    Revolution OS (2001)
    The Code Linux (2001)
    The Secret History of Hacking (2001)
    Freedom Downtime (2001)
    In the Realm of the Hackers (2002)
    BBS: The Documentary (2004)
    The Code-Breakers (2006)
    Steal This Film (2006)
    Hackers Are People Too (2008)
    Hackers Wanted (not officially released, but leaked in 2010)
    The Virtual Revolution (2010)
    Code - Breakers, Bletchley Park's Lost Heroes (2011)
    Colossus computer
    DEFCON: The Documentary (2013)[1]

    Hollywood makes you dream of becoming a Hacker,Cracker,Phreaker etc.
    and then they cry about it and demand to have you arrested when you actually do.

    Anyone else have the erge to now download and watch the movie list above lol

    Are they all available and easy to access on 'Pay' services? Not really.
    What to do, what to do?

  23. This is nothing more than an alarmist article that reads like it was sponsored by the MPAA or some other interested organization.
    The Pirate Bay was not the only safe option and its absence will go completely unnoticed by many torrent users.

  24. yeah, i happily pay for netflix and spotify too

  25. the grass is the advertisers

  26. Nice corporate agitprop here.
    But if you're really assuming that torrent users are
    as stupid as you're assuming they are, I'm sure you've
    swayed many a heart and mind with this hogwash.

  27. agree that this article is an mpaa sponsored manipulation / click-bate

    1) the bay will likely be back up
    2) kickass, iso, demonoid and others (including google) have handily been filling in the gaps
    3) the Bay's takedown is now speeding up the development and release of even more resilient (to both detection and to takedowns) torrent clients - for instance tribler
    4) what made TPB unique was it's community comments, which gave valuable hivemind guidance to what was legit and what to avoid - and that will easily be making it's way into other clients now
    6) the bay will likely be back up
    7) and edonkey/emule still rocks for TONS of current music releases, software and hard to find movies

  28. I'm sorry, but the author of this article is just plain ignorant. The author(s) did not even do a good job trying to disguise the fact that they're just attempting to scare people into signing up for all the services advertised in the last paragraph of this article.

    'Safe torrenting' is still very much alive. TPB might have been the most popular and mainstream torrent site on the internet, but there are literally dozens of other high-ranking 'safe' torrent sites, and the pirates know this. The take down of TPB has simply caused a surge of traffic onto the other high ranking torrent sites. The data center raid didn't even slow down piracy or the torrent community for even one single day.

    I do pay for many legitimate services like Netflix, but that doesn't stop me from downloading other content I can't access through those services. In fact I am downloading 2 movies as I type this.

  29. You think TPB ensured safe torrenting? I can't laugh long and hard enough. No matter where or how you are getting your copy of something you didn't pay for, unless it's directly from a friends legal copy, you need to be smart and know what you are dealing with. None of it is safe, especially for a noob. The ranks are filled with fakes and malware and you need to be smart enough to how to tell the difference and how to deal with it.

  30. Except Pirate bay isnt going anywhere, Go to thier site its waving the Jolly Roger

  31. I find it odd that the comment was made that using The Pirate Bay was somehow safe? What idiot would think that?

  32. Calling people who COPY files 'piraters' is as incorrect and misleading as calling anyone who breaks into company and government computer systems a 'hacker'.
    People who download files from other sites aren't 'pirating' anything! The original is still there, untouched, unchanged and undamaged. The file was copied. There was no harm or damage done to anyone or anything.
    People who break into others computer systems for espionage or to perform malicious code are CRACKERS. Hackers are people who love fiddling with computers to see what they can make them do. They test the boundaries of software coding and hardware capabilities. They do not perform unlawful, dangerous or malicious stunts nor do they steal identities, money or secret information.
    I WISH TO GOD the freaking twits on the Internet would get it right instead of using the first word that captures their fancy and misusing it until they think it's the right one because they misused it until, for them, it became the right one!!

    • Also what is misleading is the idiots that think they have been wronged and that those that download their shit would somehow purchase it otherwise.

  33. Never used pirate bay anyway. Find a good PRIVATE tracker and reel the many benefits!

  34. Streaming limited catalogues of older films for a monthly fee is not and never will be the answer. If for example Amazon were to offer a monthly subscription that allowed you to watch their entire digital catalogue for a fixed price - then it might become viable with a few proviso's
    1- no one would pay more than about £20 a month for it
    2- It would need to be possible to watch on any device of your choice (including TVs)
    3- There would need to be a download and watch offline facility so that you didnt have to effectively download something every time you watched it.
    4- Once something is released on catalogue it will remain available indefinitely
    Such a service could work and would make money - they could probably even get away with restricting the total number of viewable hours in a month. However the film companies are never going to relinquish their precious content even if they have already made a fair profit on its original release .

    The reason that piracy will continue is that people have only a certain amount of money to spend. I have Amazon prime video but can honestly say that so far I have not watched anything that I would have found valuable enough to go out and buy. The only reason I watch any of it is because it is already paid for. My subscription is pure profit for them - profit they would not have earned but for the subscription.

    In its present form downloading does not deprive companies of income - it denies them extra income that they would not get in the first place

  35. The day they stop me downloading dozens of (working and virus free) games, movies, software, tv shows, music and whatever the hell else I like, I'll come back here and let you know..

  36. I've got a Mac. I use AdBlock and ClicktoFlash in Safari, so I see none of this. What can I say.

  37. I used TPB for years to help people who couldn't afford or sometimes even find movies. Their ads were not a problem to me, and the comments helped those who knew the site and used the comments avoid 'bad' files. In rural area like mine its next to impossible to get all those paid alternatives. I personally didn't even watch more than 1 out of 20 movies I found on there. Most were for family members who had kids and just wanted a 'disposable' movie. Maybe 2 or 3 were actual movie lovers who kept them safely stored, the rest were just wanting something to watch without having to go to theaters or wanted some obsolete movie. The only serious threat to an actors income is still people with duplicators and they are not illegal.

    The real funny part of the raids is how TBP tried to negotiate a bandwidth barter that would have helped researchers but never came to fruition. Apparently artists or movie mogels were not willing to help science at the cost of a few legally traded movies, songs and software. Perhaps if TPB had tried to host only one or two types of media it may have worked out. The irony on my behalf is reassembling my XP PC to try and get my movie downloading started again just to find out my go to site is now gone. I'll use another torrent hosting site but hate to see my old friend is down for a while. Hopefully it will be back up soon in another country.

  38. I use Bit Che. This software searches more than 90 websites at once for torrents.

  39. Nice advertisement for big online media companies like Valve, EA and Netflix disguised as an unbiased article. Be informed, and your privacy and safety haven't changed.

  40. The legend never dies

  41. TPB is more than just a website company, it's an idea. This idea has become a way of life for many and a regular activity by billions. Attacking the founders will only serve to strengthen TPB ideals as it did before. The world needs to change with the times. This is the information age. Nothing is 100% secret. As long as people are allowed to be 'free' on the internet, people will do what people do. We are wired to explore and discover, to share what we find, and to learn from others findings and creations. as I see it, there are only 2 ways this will go if the law is determined to shut down sharing of copyrighted material. (1) administer full monitoring control over every internet connection preventing encrypted connections of any kind and require some kind of pre-approval system for accessing specific search systems or domains.( This would be extremely expensive.. and guess who would pay for it??? You the tax payer) or (2) relinquish copyright laws and information theft laws as well as the value of the dollar. (This could only work if we had a world living concept like 'star trek' or some other futuristic perfect world. so.. not likely)

    In conclusion, all of these attempts to target individuals or hardware in the hopes of stopping file sharing is as futile as the 'War On Drugs' campaign. more money and resources will be spent on fighting it than was lost because of it. and the tax payer foots the bill.. call me odd, but I think there's something very wrong in this world. a lot of time and money wasted on egos and idiots. We have bigger problems in this world to deal with.

    • Nothing odd about what you said, it makes sense.

  42. In Europe we have private trackers which are at least ten times safer than TPB. IPTorrents, FileList, TorrentLeech, TorrentBytes are just a few of the most popular trackers. Stop crying after TPB when there are so many better and safer trackers.

    Bitsy Game Maker. Restore tool. Bitsy is a little editor for little games or worlds. The goal is to make it easy to make games where you can walk around and talk to people and be somewhere. I hope you enjoy using it! View all by Adam. Favorite about grid_on room directions exits place endings brush paint brush find drawing palette colors chat dialog vpn_key inventory file_download download videocam record gif save game data settings settings restore_page. Bitsy is a little editor for little games or worlds. The goal is to make it easy to make games where you can walk. Bitsy game data vs download game. Find games tagged Bitsy like A Snail Writes to Mother, discomfort zone, almanac of girlswampwar territory & the _girls who swim as fertilizer thru the roots of the glorious tree of eugenics, Jehovah's Witness Simulator 2018, Slow Growing on, the indie game hosting marketplace. “Bitsy also makes it easy to make your game in tiny chunks, which is great for people who are time-poor. If you only have 5 minutes to spare, that’s still time to make a 8 × 8 sprite. A collection by Adam. A short game entry about overharvesting for the 'Harvest' Bitsy Game Jam. Play in browser. A Harrowing Harvest. There's an unexpected visitor at the McLaughlin Farm.made for the Harvest Bitsy Jam (Sept 2018) Nic (chickenricetm) Interactive Fiction.

  43. without doubt the authors are trying to capitalize on pirate bay's demise by trying to create a malware scare AND advertise paid alternatives at the same instant. torrenting has never been 'safe' and the associated risk is understood and avoided by those who use it. even now anonymous trackers using Tor are in development. as far as anyone can see, this is the start, rather than the end of an era.

  44. The author is obviously lacking knowledge about the subject matter. Each time a major site (i.e. Napster, LimeWire, etc.) was taken offline, major innovation followed which made things 1) more secure, 2) more anonymous, and 3) easier to use. If anything, one might argue the longevity of TPB has held back the natural innovation pattern. It certainly wasn't the safest option if that is the author's primary concern. Other sites already have increased levels of security for less knowledgeable (like the author) end users. I suspect we will soon (6-12 months) see a leap forward in all of the above 3 attributes, leading towards a continuation of this never-ending battle. Regardless of which side you are on, the debate (and battle) is likely to continue for quite some time.

  45. I'm an artist and a tech consultant, and I've been using p2p & torrents since the nineties. I think in that entire time, stretching back to my early teenage years, I've accidentally wound up with a sum total of virus problems that I can count on one hand, and for all the pain of a virus scan or boot into safe mode (followed by a virus scan) that this caused me, the pain it caused my conscience is far less. One of the happiest memories of my life was hooking up a new friend's external media drive to copy his stash over to mine, and finding my music (that he'd downloaded off of kazaa) on that drive. Should I have been offended, and called the copyright cops on him for not paying me for those songs? No - because he'd never have found them if they hadn't been on p2p. I was grateful, I was flattered - I was appreciated by an audience, and if you're making art for some other reason then there's almost no chance that I'm going to wind up downloading it anyway. Real art is about love of the craft, compensation is a side-benefit..
    That being said, if you want to make a living as an artist, it is absolutely possible without being a corporate shill - just look at Cory Doctorow, for one fantastic example. You'll make money from your art if your art has *quality* - not if you lock it down perfectly with DRM and hound your audience with lawsuits. If Metallica had always had the attitude they have now about their songs, no one would've ever heard of them - their rep was built from hard work and a dedicated fan community trading tapes. Yeah, you might not make millions of bucks this new way, but are you really that greedy? Go get an executive job at an investment fund, weirdo.
    Copyright is over. The age of the record executive and the billboard chart-topping teeny-bop arena show (OMG Mom, $150 nosebleed section tickets to Bieber!) is drawing to a close and good riddance! My favorite bands are all people that I've spoken to - which is so much better than when they were ethereal figures I read about in magazines - and they've almost all given me permission to seed their work. It gets their music into the ears of people who would never hear it otherwise. These people then pay for hard copies, t-shirts, posters, etc; or just pass it along. The paradigm has shifted. Those clinging to outdated content delivery systems are relics of the past, they simply don't know it yet. It's actually a bit sad.

  46. Really? TPB's gone? I hadn't been told that. I mean, I know that there was the raid, and now ISOHunt is trying to pretend. But if you know where to look, it's there. Watch the Freak.

  47. A. Houston,

    You think art should be free? Who is going to pay the people and fund the budget for your favorite movies? Evolve, love and live? You are very naive (or a kid who never had a real job..).

    And yes, I torrent and will miss the ol' pirate bay.

    • The budgets for our movies are ridiculous. Frankly, actors and actresses deserve less money than coal miners - after all, they have working lives that can extend easily 40+ years, have minimal danger, etc. I really am not a huge fan of mainstream media because of that.

    • they can make their money from ticket sales/merchandise/licensing fees. torrents and everything else is fair game

    • @Edward Goldblatt:
      'Frankly, actors and actresses deserve less money than coal miners'
      Today's actors/actresses deserve less money because they have less talent, if any. Most of them are one-trick ponies, able to handle only one kind of a role.

      'they have working lives that can extend easily 40+ years'
      Their working lives used to extend 40+ years. Not any more. Because of lack of talent and fickle public tastes, actors flame out after only a few years.

  48. The genie is out of the bottle. Now the pirate bay is the pirate world. Some day it will be the pirate galaxy, and eventually the pirate universe. People are charged and taxed for the thoughts and expressions of others, per viewing. We will never evolve as a race if we keep feeding on each other. Charging each other for intellectual property means only the rich get smart. Art is expression to be shared, not something to bilk someone with. Evolve. Love. Live.

  49. Sooo obviously biased, and misinformed it's not even funny anymore.. Come on, have you at least read about the last ten years of internet history, if you weren't there to witness by yourself? Torrentfreak, in one word if you have to start somewhere :-)

  50. I'm still hoping the original TPB will be resurrected.

  51. why would I donate to billionaires?

    • Exactly. The real alternatives are newsgroups, MEGA and campus LANs.

  52. Christian Cawley who paid you off to write this very biased article????

  53. LOL, this post seems like a not-so-subtle nudge to force torrenters to switch to big-media controlled outlets. I'm sorry but I'm not biting. I have been torrenting since the days when there were only two BT clients (Official and Shad0w's Experimental, remember those?). TPB is a great site but it is by no means the only game in town. I currently use Kickasstorrents more than TPB. I had until recently used Newtorrents more than TPB. I had at one time or other used isohunt, Supernova, and mninova more that TPB. And there are torrent search engines like Torrentz that points to legitimate sites. Please, the only 'unsafe' sites that came with TPB's shutdown are the clones, and we torrenters are not fooled. So quit with the FUD, it ain't working.

    In fact, there are tons of safe torrent sites. Aside from the other big public torrent sites, there are private trackers. I am a member of over a dozen private trackers. I think I can safely torrent for quite some time. Big media have killed Napster, gnutella, file lockers, etc. But they will not really kill bittorrent. It is a disruptive technology and will survive.

  54. It's interesting how there is always the (wink/nudge, we know that you're all stealing movies) attitude about TPB, but here's one of the real deals, as I'm sure I'm not alone- I own a ton of DVD movies. They sit on a shelf as backup copies of the ones have downloaded from TPB over the years. Why would I download a movie that I already have on DVD? Glad you asked. 1. TPB rips have all the stupid, insulting, time wasting commercials, ironic FBI threats and various crap and even bloatware stripped out. I get just the movie, professionally ripped (yes, depending on who did it, professionally), and nothing else. 2. I don't have to get off my lazy butt to gingerly select a DVD, making sure not to look at it the wrong way (because that would surely scratch it) and put it in a separate machine, wait 10 minutes for it to load, try to fast forward through all the afore-mentioned junk, be sure to carefully put it away.. 3. I can stream these movies in lots of different ways through the house and to different devices on the internet. 4. There's great applications that can categorize, arrange, organize all your movies instead of the 'shelf' method. Just to name a few. But even if TPB really is gone, there won't be a hole in the ocean for very long.

  55. I subscribe Netflix , Amazon Prime and Roku but I cant get the movie and TV series because I live abroad. Therefore I pay three subscription for almost nothing. It will be time for this services to become international. |Torrent downloading allow me to see movie that I pay three time for.

    • Like you I pay for inadequacy with streaming services that do not carry movies and shows I would enjoy watching or that I already own in my collection at home. P2P from torrents allows me the freedom to put them on a travel drive with far less time spent recoding them into avi or mp4 format. After you figure the payment to internet cost at almost $80 US what are we paying for e-mail and streaming speed that regularly downgrades itself to the point that streaming is impossible to do.

    • use Unblock-us

  56. Your alternatives are very corperate. The day safe torrenting returning us now. I am Cookski. I have returned

  57. Are the risks of downloading videos really that big?
    I understand there can be broken decoders there too which may possibly be exploited by the video content but I don't know whatever it can be done in player A and if so if it is done.
    Same with music. Likely even less risk there.

    Steam, Origin, Desura is around outside of US.

    As for safety as a pirate one could make a database of checksums and have comments there, possible from signed / trusted people. Or something. I don't think the TPB system at least not just with comments was perfect either? Was it?
    How could you know?

    As for moral and laws I don't see the exclusively or differences of them in this case.
    Both are subjective and man-made unless you're a religitard but then both may be fixed and enforced with no reasoning so. And the religions as such are man made anyway.
    It's of course both.

    • There's lots of 'shady' online video sites that tell you to play the video, you have to download 'Divx Player' or something similar that's really a malware download, even if you *do* have a massive codec pack (such as K-Lite) that has almost everything there is. Avoid!

      As far as 'safe' torrenting alternatives, there are still lots of good sites like Kickass Torrents and ExtraTorrent out just have to find them.

  58. All of your alternatives are mostly US only. Rest of the world?

    • This.

      It's all well and good to tell people to use cheap video-streaming services, but the internet is a global place, and many of the services are unavailable in many countries.

      It's just as illegal for me to pay for Netflix as it is for me to pirate. A large percentage of people that illegally download here generally do it because of either ridiculous prices, getting tv shows *months* later or not getting shows/movies at all.

      Desperado: The Outlaw Wars (October 10, 1989) [ ] In the fourth film, McCall 'learns that he has fathered a son with Nora', and encounters ' as a serious-minded lawman, [and] as a cold-blooded killer'. NBC then ordered two additional TV movies. Sites to download seasonal movies4. After the second film broadcast, NBC sought to implement a series after all, but by that time, the contract obligating McArthur for a weekly series had expired. The actor, whose star was on the rise, was no longer interested in being 'tied up to a weekly series'. Desperado: Avalanche at Devil's Ridge (May 24, 1988) [ ] The third film centered on a character portrayed by, playing 'a desperate man who forces McCall to rescue his kidnapped daughter'.

    • I started downloading Torrents because Netflix and those companies like them, refused to allow me to do so, where I currently live.

      I would have paid for the privilege, now I'm not because they have refused to engage.

      Any bilk about 'piracy' in that context is just that, nonsense.

  59. I'm sure ptp file sharing is over and people are going to pay for Hulu's sub-par service or netflix that get's the most current movie releases for streaming somewhere around 6 months after they're released on blu-ray (not netflix fault). Or Amazon where you can 'buy' a movie that you like, except you don't actually own it- you have to play it on the amazon interface or on the Fire. I'm surprised you didn't mention UV as a viable alternative. None of these options allow you to actually buy the content you want, or offer decent streaming services. Herein lies the problem and the need will always be filled.

    I'm not much of a torrent user myself, but in reality here's a more likely outcome- there will be a power vacuum of sorts with major torrent sites vying to fill the void, while more new sites pop up trying to get in the game.

    Also not sure if you've used TPB before but it was one of the least safest torrent sites available so I'm not sure TBP users will be so scared off by a mirror site.

    Until people can buy and own their digital content or at least get decent streaming options, all of this noise, is only a distraction.

    • And TPB, while probably the most popular torrent site, was by no means the only safe torrent website. The users there will simply move to another site. I've noticed Kickass torrents have seen a mass increase in seeders and leechers as a result.

    • There is no safe torrent sites, and there is no unsafe torrent sites. Depends on idiots/normal/super users, and p2p technology has nothing to do with malware or privacy risks, unless or until someone invites a malware or p2u program in machine, which, can also happen while trying browse websites other than torrent sites (specially the porn ones).
      'time to embrace digital deliveries..want free books Use Amazon’s new Kindle Unlimited service..'... hahahaha..
      'I’m sure ptp file sharing is over and people are going to pay for Hulu’s sub-par service '..rofl..
      Bunch of guys started jumping like same when Denuvo came out and started marketing there 'uncrackable' drm, which, apparently went in vein.
      Hilarious, I really enjoyed reading that article..

  60. Breaching copyright is a legal issue, not a moral one. Just Sayin'.

    • Just like offering instructions on how to rob a bank or how to torch a car -- totally a legal question - no morality involved here ,, just sayin'

    • Except offering instructions on how to torch a car or rob a bank obviously leads to physical harm. mike you're an idiot

    • mikey u are an idiot. the internet is free no one has the right to censor anyone. only your narrow minded thinks that way

    • Safe torrenting is hardly gone. That's just click bait and is utterly false.

      Look at Tribler for an alternative that may well be impregnable by design.

    • Don, Tibler is hardly a solution at this point as it has some serious deal breaking bugs. The least of which is that until it's fixed child porn thumbnails will be downloaded to your computer because of the torrents of this sort of material. This is a serious issue and I won't touch it until this is resolved. If you're comfortable with this great. Anyone reasonable would not be. What it opens a user up to is unacceptable.

    • Has anyone here ever shared a photograph on facebook? this too represents copyright infringement. just saying