Ragnarok Online Sound Effects Download

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Ragnarok Online

Developer: Gravity
Publisher: Gravity
Platform: Windows
Released in JP: December 1, 2002
Released in US: June 1, 2003
Released in EU: April 14, 2004
Released in KR: August 31, 2002
Released in BR: February 2005
Released in CN: May 20, 2003
Released in TW: October 2002

This game has unused areas.
This game has unused enemies.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has unused music.
This game has unused sounds.

This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Ragnarok Online is one of many Korean massive multiplayer online role-playing games (or MMORPGs, if you prefer that). This one, unlike others, is based on the manhwa Ragnarok(what else did you expect?) by Lee Myung-Jin.

Battle Chant instantly removes all buffs and status effects from the Paladin who uses it, including Bleeding. One of Battle Chant's random effects removes all abnormal status effects from party members, including Bleeding status.

To do:
Gif the sprites that have hair animations from the alpha ver. and add them to this articleǃ
  • 1Sub-Pages
  • 3Unused Classes
  • 4Removed Music
  • 5Unimplemented Features
  • 6Removed Sprites
  • 7Unobtainable Items
  • 8Unused Monsters


Unused Maps

Test Maps
They made test maps, tooǃ A few of them actuallyǃ
Early town/minimaps
Maps from the early alpha versions!?

Early Images

Beta Cards
More leftovers from ancient versions!

Hidden SFX

Unused Sound Effects
Ancient sounds, now with 100% more moaning upon death.


This opening sequence is from the alpha phase. It was ultimately disposed of when the majority of testers thought it was too tedious to sit through it every time they opened the game client.

Unused Classes

There are three unused classes: Death Knight, Dark Collector, and Munak. Interestingly, Munak is a female undead monster. Perhaps at some point you could play as Munak (female) and Bongun (male)?

These three classes use a placeholder sprite from a used class: Knight for Death Knight, Sage for Dark Collector, and Acolyte for Munak. None of these classes have skills upon using the @jobchange command as they are disabled.

Death Knight also has a ranking system listed in the game files similar to Alchemist, Blacksmith, and Taekwon. This suggests that Death Knight and Dark Collector may have been a part of Taekwon extended classes at some point in development.

Unused Skills

To do:
Document them all! Still tons to go.

Gravity have an array of unfinished skills. Some have icons, others have descriptions, and the rest have... gibberish names.

Removed Music


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This was used in Yuno fields before being replaced with the music pieces Antique Cowboy and Big Guys Love This. TeMPotato never saw the light of day again, though it's still accessible through the game's BGM folder as Track 67.


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Aplaceholder MIDI holiday theme that went unused sometime after it was replaced by SoundTemp songs. Even though it's in the game files, it's not an actual music piece from their composers - Gravity decided to use a free MIDI sample from westnet.com. The song was later made into a sound effect used when equipping the Christmas Musicbox and casting its bonus skill ALL_WEWISH, presumably as a christmas event item.

BGM Differences


Alpha Ver. Final
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While the music is the same, the instruments used in the alpha version are different from the current version. Oddly enough, in Renewal when the city is destroyed by Satan Morroc, it uses a more slowed down pace of the earlier version rather than the finalized one.

I Miss You

Alpha Ver. Final
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Alpha version has a more clearer quality than the final, with very little difference between the two. Some instruments and pitches were changed.


Alpha Ver. Final
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Like 'I Miss You', the early version is in high quality with some minor differences, channel enhancement, and pitch change.

Unimplemented Features

Day & Night Cycle

In the game files, there's a partially working Day/Night system, complete with non-functioning weather. The system would cycle between blazing hot weather, rain, snow, day and night to apparently create conditions that would give players advantages in some situations. Monsters also would spawn at certain times of the day depending on the season/weather. Only graphics remain; any code for special adjustments has been removed. However, a simplified bit of code remains to launch simplified effects for Rain, Maple leaves, Snow, Cherry Blossoms, Clouds, and Fireworks. These are used for seasonal events, such as putting Snow in Prontera during Christmas.

Alignment System

In early development, the Alignment System was referred to as Temperament/Tendency and utilized four categories:

  • Righteous (R, a good and honest player)
  • Wicked (W, a hostile player)
  • Fame (F, exactly what it says)
  • Vulgar (V, opposite of Fame)

The Temperament system would be used to customize player character performance and would be accessible through a separate tab on a character's Status window. Points would be assigned to the categories in the Temperament window and players would be able to assign alignment points to other players as well. Players could begin using it by leveling up their Basic Skill to Level 8 as a Novice. Depending on a player's alignment, they could increase their item drop chance and receive Tendency penalties and bonuses.

The Tendency of a guild depends on the overall statistics of the guild members' individual Temperament (e.g. if the majority of guild members were of a Vulgar Temperament, then the guild's Tendency would lean towards said Temperament).

The Alignment System was implemented for some time with players earning 'good' points for killing aggressive monsters and 'bad' points for killing passive monsters. It was later taken out for unknown reasons, but remnants of the system remained in the UI long after the system was killed off. With the Renewal update, the Temperament tab in the Status window was finally removed. However, the Tendency box still remains on the Guild window. Whether a different alignment system will be implemented in the future or not is unknown. However, it is very likely the alignment system as originally planned will never see the light of day.


In the early days of when Ragnarok Online was free to play, there used to be a feature called 'Apartment' which enabled players to have their own houses. Gravity decided to take out the apartment system and everything included in it when a group of hackers almost destroyed the company due to being extremely angry at Gravity's decision to make the game pay to play.

3D Bosses

Gravity had a concept of making all boss-type monsters in 3D polygons, but the staff found it very difficult to implement such a thing due to being inexperienced with 3D modeling. Players who tested these monsters reported back that they had many issues with cell grid targeting, clipping and even client crashes. So it got dumped in favor of 2D sprites.

It is worth noting that even though Zombie Dragon got wiped out clean, the other 3D monsters who were originally MVPs are still present in the game in the form of War of Emperium guardians, who allies you in battle if the castle belongs to your guild with a certain skill enabled, or is against you if a castle does not belong to your current guild and they have said skill enabled on their side.

Visual Shoes

Similar to how a user can have headgear in one of 3 slots, along with special looking weapons/shields it was originally planned for a user's shoes to have a different appearance as well. It's likely that the code for this was dropped because adding different sprites for different gears was already time consuming enough (Only a few weapon and shield sprites exist currently, as well). It's possible that certain shoes were meant to leave different footprints, perhaps after stepping in water or when walking in soft areas such as desert sand. Later, the Stalker skill Chase Walker used the leftover code for footprint rendering.

Dynamic Terrain

In Ragnarok Online, all terrain seems to be stay the same. However, there is a removed item called the shovel which was possibly usable to dig in terrain to discover items. Furthermore, code exists in the client that can process raising terrain, but not actually render it in any manner.


Familiar to those who play FPSes, there also exists unused code for handling skyboxes ingame. There were at least 2 types, a cube type and an elliptical version. The cubed version seems to be completely abandoned, but would have allowed them to place a different texture on each vertex to see from the end of the map. Textures that are used for this by default are still referenced by the name effect/skybox_back/front/top/right/left.bmp but they may be lost to time or never made public. The elliptical version loaded a 3d actor, 'skybox.rsm' and likely was projected against the map. It's possible that they removed the skyboxes from the game because it was too laggy. In lieu of this, they just set the render clearing color to something else depending on the map. If they wanted a map to look like it was floating in the sky, the clear color would be made into sky blue, otherwise it'd just be black. There was also code related to the skyboxes that would cast lens flares onto the screen, based on where the Sun was set to be by the weather system. Fortunately, the good lord had mercy on us all.

Removed Sprites

Blossom is the only Kafra lady to have eight direction sprites, along with proper walking animations. All of 4w-f-kafra2 movements are disabled in-game as seen when a Game Master uses the command @disguise 423. Surprisingly, 4w-f-kafra2, when disguised, does have her standing angles presented when rotating the camera all around.

Removed Final

Pupa splitting in two halves when killed. While this animation is implemented as its moving sprite, Pupas aren't actually capable of moving. The animation is still viewable, but only if a GM changes a player's sprite to a Pupa. The used sprite has it crack with a lot of green slime coming out of its shell.

It can be triggered through player interaction with the Dead Branch item, which spawns a random monster from the database (including otherwise unused monsters!) when used, and will cause monsters otherwise immobile to have a very slow walking speed.

Fabre also have unused transition spritesǃ In the final game it will just stand there and turn into a Pupa, which seems very awkward at first sight.

Orc Warriors have a smoking animation in their spritesheet that was removed from the international version. The smoking effect still exists in-game, but because their sprites for that action were removed, they use the default standing position when taking damage when taking a drag of a cigarette. In the Korean version of Ragnarok Online, this sprite functions as intended.

Thief Bugs have an unused animation where they give birth to Thief Bug Eggs. Removed for unknown reasons. This animation is present in the Golden Thief Bug sprite sheet as well.

Ragnarok Online Sound Effects Download Free

To do:
Was this actually used?

Unused HUD

Seems to be some sort of test interface. Ojsten Kreutzer, the man in the picture, is actually one of the main characters in Arcturusː The Curse and Loss of Divinity who assists Sizz Flair in his journey. Here's a picture for comparison.

Alpha Sprites

Whenever a character takes damage they always face diagonally left or right, rendering these sprites unused.

Swordsman had a slightly different attack strikes in the alpha version. Note the hair movement.

The interesting thing about this is that in normal gameplay, when a character dies, their death sprites only displays diagonal lower-left, lower-right, upper-left, and upper-right regardless of camera rotation. Here, it seems like all angles were covered, though the front, side, and back sprites never served their purpose.

Thieves had a slightly different damaged stance. It was polished and cleaned up in the later versions of the game.

Early Emotion icon List. All of them have been redrawn to fit the theme of the game. Note that the anger, exclamation point and the heart bubbles is actually taken from another game called Arcturusː The Curse and Loss of Divinity, a project created by Gravity and Sonnori.

Item effects that are not present nor triggered by any item use. They may be related to the scrapped weather system.

Leftover icons from the alpha. Replaced with newer icons.

To do:
Add GUARD image.

There exists a GUARD status not seen in normal gameplay. Guard was presumably used for Auto-Guard and other blocking skills, but were not programmed in for unknown reasons.

Animated Hairstyles

Animated Hairstyles
All those hair straws gone to waste from the alpha versionǃ

The default hairstyles had animations attached to the class sprites to match the attacking stances. This feature was scrapped for unknown reasons; presumably due to the original developer, lead developer and the artists leaving the team early on in the development of Ragnarok Online.

Unobtainable Items


Balmung is a Two Handed Sword wielded by former Korean Ragnarok Online staffer GOD-POING, who worked from the beginning of the game and left sometime after Open Beta. The Sword description isː 'Sword wielded by mighty GOD-POING, the lawless heroine. INT + 20, LUK + 20. Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).' Balmung has a level requirement of 49, sells for 10 Zeny (the default), starts off with 250 Attack and its property is Holy. It is worth noting that a duplicate sword is used in the game with identical description to the original Balmung, however all the references to GOD-POING are gone, as someone replaced her name with a man called Siegfried. A Game Master can get this weapon by typing /item Balmung.

Angra Manyu Is a One Handed Sword obtained through the GM command /item Angra_Manyu with the description 'The Real Holy Cross'. It is a Mace with a starter Attack of 200, granting 50 to all base stats, with no element property, and unable to be sold. Later releases on different international servers added custom bonuses to it, such as boosting ATK by 3800, and giving full lifesteal.

Ahura Mazdah is a shield that can only be obtained through GM commands /item Ahura_Mazda. It starts off with 50 to all base stats, 100 DEF (making the wearer immune to physical damage), sells for 1 Zeny (instead of the default 10) and is equippable by any class. The description is 'The Shield of all Shields'. Ahura Mazdah is most likely intended to only be usable by Game Masters.

Angelic Wing Dagger is a Dagger with a level requirement of 50 and is only equippable by Novice and Super Novice. The description when trying to view the weapon is 'Not much is known about the mysterious Angelic Wing Dagger...'. The weapon was probably going to be included with the Angelic set at some point, but was scrapped for unknown reasons. Angelic Wing Dagger uses an early apple image as a placeholder.

Item Icons

To do:
There's still more icons.

Some alpha item icons that exist to this day. They never got revived again.

Black Potionː A tonic. Unknown use.

Golen Powderː Serves its purpose as a refiner item of some sort. They were replaced with Pharcon, Emveretarcon, Elunium, and Oridecon. Golen also have a bronze and a silver version. Also yes, Gravity made a typo as it's supposed to be 'Golden'.

Amuletː Spoils from Munak. The item itself is used to this day, but the icon was redone to resemble an actual amulet.

Hornː Spoils from a monster. Like Amulet, it was redrawn to fit its name more.

Back during alpha testing, certain headgears were actually attached to their respective classes. These modified headgears were melded into the class sprites itself. Thieves wore goggles, Merchants had hairbands, and Acolyte sprites had Biretta.

Sword Breaker, which was later added as a dagger that breaks the target's armor by low chance during physical attacks.

Mail Breaker, a One Handed Sword that Swordsman could equip. Some say that it was redone to become Katars, an entirely different weapon type for the Assassin class.

Halberd, a One Handed Sword equippable by Swordsman class. It was later redone as a different weapon, namely Two-Handed Spear.

These items only have an internal nameː

  • Resident_certificate (Needed to change to Swordsman during alpha phase.)
  • Certification_of_Business_register (Needed to change to Merchant during alpha phase.)
  • Trading_License (Also needed to change to Merchant during alpha phase.)
  • Swordman's_Examinee_card
  • Swordsmans_License (Alpha ver. Players who chose Swordsman would get this item upon job changing.)
  • Merchant_License (Alpha ver. Players who chose the Merchant would get this item upon job changing.)
  • Receipt_of_Clothes

Additionally, some miscellaneous items were renamedː

  • Ivory Gemstone = Yellow Gemstone
  • Scarlet Gemstone = Red Gemstone
  • Cerulean Gemstone = Blue Gemstone
  • Scarlet Potion = Orange Potion
  • Flywing = Butterfly Wing
  • Butterfly Wing = Flywing
  • Leaf of Life = Yggdrasil Leaf
  • Sharpen Gill = Gill
  • Decayed Mouth = Horrendous Mouth
  • Kukre's Epidermis = Worm Peeling
  • Pigtail Ribbon = Daenggie
  • Two-Handled Sword = Two-Handed Sword
  • War-Hammer = Hammer
  • Two-Handleed-Axe = Two-Handed Axe
  • Lapier = Rapier
  • Cloth of the Lord = Lord's Clothes
  • Formal Dress = Formal Suit
  • Cloth of Thieves = Thief Clothes

Some healing items were changed completely or removed These are the known removed items from an earlier design. Some of these items may have been changed into misc items for the final game, so it can be assumed that normal enemies were meant to drop healing items. The fact that many of them had similar effects (or none designed) is probably related to their removal.

  • Charms - Removed Curse
  • Small Hammer - Removed Petrify
  • Blue Candy
  • Tree Root - Healed about 10 HP
  • Reptile Tongue - Healed about 10 HP
  • Scorpion Tail - Removed Poison
  • Plant Stem - Removed Poison
  • Frog Legs - Heal about 30 HP
  • Ridiculous Eyeballs
  • Scale Stem / Stalks
  • Old Wood Carving - Heal about 10-20 SP
  • Frog Al (Tadpole Egg?)
  • Black Potion / Potion of Mystics - Claimed to double user's speed (attack or movement is unclear)
  • Silver Pills - Lowered SP consumption by 50%
  • White Powder - Prevented Poison status
  • Fairy Wings/Golden Powder - Prevented Petrify status
  • Mermaid Scales/Silver Powder - Prevented Silence status
  • Round Mushroom/Mushroom Mushroom - Make the user's head better? (Need a korean translator to truly understand this!)
  • Gorgeous Mushroom/Poisonous Mushroom - Improve user's 'fitness'
  • Black Mushroom/Ganoderma Mushroom - Improved user's 'strength'
  • Spice - Kept enemies from aggressively targeting the user - likely was used for the rogue Gangster's Paradise skill.
  • Red Capsule/Optic Nerve Irritation Enhancer - Stimulates the optic nerve? Possibly increased Hit.
  • Blue Capsule/Whole Body Optic Filter - Made the whole body transparent to light? Possibly increased Flee.
  • Green Capsule/Forbidden Evolution Agent - Turned the user into a monster?
  • Shovel - Possibly related to the removed ability to alter ingame terrain.
  • Pink Herb - User returned to the pure state ??
  • Nameless Card - ??

Some items are altered from their final state. Some are minor changes, such as HP healing amount changing, or were adjusted based on the evolution of the game.

  • Green Potion - Cure Poison and Petrify, later changed to Poison, Silence, Blind and Confusion.
  • Holy Water - Prevent the user from Curse effect, later changed to heal Curse
  • Strengthening/Champion Potion - User STR+5 for 10 minutes (likely took the spot of Berserk Potion)
  • Awakening/Intelligence Potion - User INT+5 for 10 minutes
  • Concentration/Spirit Potion - User DEX+5 for 10 minutes

Card System

Players of the game are familiar with the card system, where monsters drop by an unnecessarily low chance a card which can be slotted into equipment of different types. Originally, there were 6 types of cards, with unknown purposes. Those are Monster Cards, Weapon Cards, Tarot Cards, Job Cards, Magic Cards, and Order Cards.

  • Monster cards were comprised of the original monsters, from Poring to Baphomet.
  • Tarot Cards were comprised of Tarot cards, such as The Sun, The Star, etc. Each one would grant the user up to about 5 of different base stats.
  • Job Cards would work the same way as Tarot cards, but the status granted would be related to the job type. It's worth noting that some of the jobs never came to the game such as Berserker, Mimic, and Kanji? Card.
  • Weapon Cards were all named for different types of equipment (not just weapons), but had no effects.
  • Magic Cards were named for different element attributes, but had no effects.
  • Order cards were named for unknown properties such as Arrows, Celery, and Recovery, but also had no documented effects.

It's worth noting in addition, the game later changed all armors to have 0 or 1 card slot, but these pre-alpha armors were documented having multiple slots.

Unused Monsters

Despite not existing and being implemented past concept art, these cards are still obtainable through the Old Card Album.

There are unimplemented monsters who only have internal names: Chocho, Kobold_4, Kobold_5, along with Soldier Deniro and Soldier Piere. They use Chonchon as a placeholder sprite. While all of them have an .act file, it is empty.


An early version of Marc. While identical in appearance, their standing position and death sprites are different. For example, Marc will spin before dying, whereas Seahores will simply fall to the side.

Seahores Marc


A werewolf-like monster. Its .act file is present in data.grf, which shows that this monster is partially completed as it's attacking, hit, and death sprites are animated properly. It is commonly speculated that this monster may be an early version of Atroce due to its similar apperance and attack stance, as well as its sound effects, with the exception of its death, is almost identical to Atroce.


Raptice is a monster who was present in some fields during the beta phase. It was removed for unknown reasons and has since not been used again. Despite being unused, its .act file is present and functional. Raptice have a sprite set such as walking, attacking, getting hurt, and dying.


An early Zombie-type monster who was removed once the game was fully released. Nothing is known about Corpse except that it might be an early version of Ghoul. Its .act file is still present and functioning.

Zombie Dragon

There used to be a 3D boss called Zombie Dragon that was present in .grf models between 2004 and 2005. There is little to no information about this monster other than a screenshot, in which an Assassin encounters this mob in Payon Dungeon 3. Gravity decided to delete everything about it, leaving players to speculate about its origins and what it was actually supposed to be.

Hidden Cards

Val Kiwi images was actually used at some point in 2010, where the Korean staffers replaced already existing images with badly drawn pictures as a part of an April Fool's event quest. It has since gone unused.

This Munak picture was censored, altered, and even banned from using it in-game. It was then replaced with a more updated cartoony artstyle of Munak walking in a desert full of Porings.

Inaccessable Areas

Louyang Dungeon 3 seems to have an area where you could go up some stairs leading to the top of a wall, but was dropped at some point in development.

Priest_job is a map that goes unused entirely, as all Undead Priest trials go through the map prist_job.

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About This Content

In the world of Rune Midgard, the Kafra Company is the one stop shop for storage, teleportation and adventuring supplies. For new players joining from Steam, they are offering this special Welcome to Ragnarok Starter Package. This one-time purchasable box comes with useful equipment and consumables for getting started in Ragnarok Online!
Package includes:
  • 1X Fashion Costume Box (N°1): A Box that allow you to obtain randomly an old-fashioned equipment as a costume.
  • 1X Fashion Costume Box (N°2): A Box that allow you to obtain randomly an old-fashioned equipment as a costume.
  • 4X All in One Ring Box: A box which contains 1 All In One Ring. Rental period for a week. A Jewelery Ring that contains a 3 Seal Magic Spell. All stats +1. Enables use of. Level 1 Heal and Level 1 Teleport. Increases casting time by 10%. Casting cannot be interrupted.


Ragnarok Online Sound Effects Download Youtube

  • 1X Greed Scroll 100ea Box: A box containing 100 Greed Scroll Box.
  • 1X Assumptio 5 Scroll Box: A box containing 10 Level 5 Assumptio Scrolls.
  • 1X Blessing 10 Scroll Box Item: A box containing 20 blessing scrolls (LV10).
  • 1X Increase AGI 10 Scroll Box: A box containing 10 Level 10 Increase Agility Scrolls.
  • 1X STR Dish Box: A box contains 10 Steamed Tongue.Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
  • 1X AGI Dish Box: A box contains 10 Steamed Desert Scorpions.Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
  • 1X INT Dish Box: A box contains 10 Dragon Breath Cocktail.Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
  • 1X DEX Dish Box: A box contains 10 Hwergelmir’s Tonic.Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
  • 1X LUK Dish Box: A box contains 10 Cooked Nine Tail.Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
  • 1X VIT Dish Box: A box contains 10 Immortal Stew.Once this item is purchased, termination of contract is impossible. Also, this item is not refundable.
  • 2X Lucky Clip Box: A box which contains 1 Lucky clip. Rental period for 4 hours. A great opportunity to bring their wearers a legendary clip. Increases the drop rate from the monster.
  • 2X Bubble Gum Light Box: A very old box holding a Bubble Gum Light, increasing the experience earned by defeating monsters. It will only last for 1 hours.
  • 5X SwordMercenary Scroll10: Summon a 10th Grade, which is the top rank, Sword Mercenary.

Ragnarok Online Sound Effects Download Torrent

  • 4X Boarding Halter Box: A box that contains Riding halter. Item will be available for a week.

Once you have purchased the box from the Steam Store, validate the transfer on your Ragnarök Europe Website account manager then travel to the Prontera’s Fountain. You’ll see a NPC named “Item Distributor” talk to him and he will give you your items.


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    • OS: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
    • Processor: Pentium II 400MHz
    • Memory: 128 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Graphic Card 3D
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
    • Sound Card: Direct Sound Compatible/Support 3D Sound Effects
    • Additional Notes: Run as Administrator
    • OS: Windows XP
    • Processor: Pentium III 600 MHz
    • Memory: 256 MB RAM
    • Graphics: Geforce 2, Voodoo4/5, ATI Radeon (16MB)
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
    • Sound Card: Direct Sound Compatible/Support 3D Sound Effects
    • Additional Notes: Run as Administrator

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