Ex Girlfriend Recovery Pro Pdf Download Torrent

Ex Girlfriend Recovery Pro Pdf Free 727 -- DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1) 99f0b496e7 NOT TO DETRACT FROM the raw horror of the Germanwings. Ive picked up that opinion from a lot of ex. He certainly was right when he told his girlfriend he.Download music, movies, games, software and much more.

Author: Michael Fiore


Practical, straightforward advice


Great price for a full program

Easy to Follow

Step by step lessons with exercises


Community in Member's area

What I Like

  • Real relationship advice
  • Helps you understand what went wrong and how to deal with it
  • Full actionable texting plan with text examples to follow

What I Don't Like

  • Texting might not work for everyone
  • Some harsh reality checks

Summary: The program is a lot more than just texting your ex back. It walks you through your breakup and prepares you with the best chance to win him back. The ideas and techniques in this guide are easy to use and apply for everyone.

Ex girlfriend recovery texting

This is Part 2 of my two-part review on Michael Fiore's Text Your Ex Back.

Part 1: Program Overview
Covers in-depth each module and highlights the pros and cons. I also include my personal experience and how this program has helped me with my relationship.
Click here to read Part 1.

Part 2: Examples of Core Lessons
Provide a sneak peak of the valuable lessons in the program including text messages that are proven effective and responsive. This post will help you understand the steps you need to take to recover and get in touch with your ex as quickly as possible.

Can you really text your way back into his heart? Using the techniques in the Text Your Ex Back program, thousands of women all over the world have rekindled their lost relationships.

And for me, this was the best program that helped me to truly understand what went wrong in my relationship.

I learned two critical lessons from this program:

  • You need time. Waiting 30 days before contacting him is crucial – and hard.
  • Sending powerful, emotionally-charged texts can rekindle his feelings for you.

So, why do you need to wait? By expanding on the core lessons, you’ll quickly learn why waiting is so important. I’ll share some Text Your Ex Back examples with you too, so you can get an idea of what type of text messages by Michael Fiore you’ll be sending.

  • Product Name: Text Your Ex Back
  • Product Creator: Michael Fiore
  • Official Website: Text Your Ex Back.com
  • Price: $47
  • Guarantee: 60 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Delivery Time Period: Instant Delivery
  • Delivery Method: Online Access, Downloadable PDFs, Videos
  • Bonus Offer: 4 Bonus Products: 100 Ready-to-Use Texts, Infidelity Buster, Instant Forgiveness, Facebook Romance Secrets
  • Description: Full, step-by-step system to put yourself back together so you'll be ready for a second chance with the love of your life.

Key lessons discussed in this post:

  • Why the 30 day No Contact Rule is set in stone.
  • Understanding what went wrong in your relationship.
  • What is Text Judo and why it works.
  • Examples of text messages that will get your ex's attention.

Getting Yourself Together & The 30 Day Rule

One of the key concepts that the Text Your Ex Back program stresses is avoiding contact for the first 30 days after your breakup. And it’s so important to heed the author’s warning here. No matter how hard it is. Put down that phone!

Ladies, I know how hard it is to avoid your ex. But this is one of (if not the) most important parts of the process. You need to wait 30 days before contacting him. That’s it – bottom line. The breakup is still too fresh. You still have too many wild emotions flying around to really make meaningful contact with your ex.

Just think about it – do you really have anything thoughtful to say? At this point, you’re probably still fuming.

I made the mistake of contacting my ex during the first 30 days, and you know what happened? The two of us just went back and forth throwing blame and anger at each other. We were still so hurt about the breakup. The wounds were still healing.

Trust me, I learned the hard way that waiting is the only thing you should (and can) do. Don’t make the same mistake as I did.

Don’t blow your second chance to make things right.

So, what do you do during the 30 days of no contact?

Work on you.

Michael Fiore stresses the importance of taking time for yourself. Pamper yourself. Get into shape, and spend some time on your mental and emotional well-being. Get out there and date other people. Go out with the girls. Get your confidence back.

Start being awesome again.

To get a taste of what the no contact rule is about, I suggest reading my comprehensive post on this amazingly simple, yet highly effective concept.

Aside from working on yourself, you’ll also use this time to read through the program’s second module to better understand what went wrong in your relationship.

What Went Wrong In Your Relationship?

Now that you’ve solemnly sworn off contact, you can start your journey to understanding what went wrong. This is where Module 2: Dumper and Dumped comes in.

Dumper and Dumped calls on you to ask yourself one really tough question: Why did you break up – truthfully? You need to be brutally honest here, and that can be tough – especially if you were the one who was dumped.

If you were dumped (like me), the reason behind your breakup will be pretty clear after reading this section. The author goes through a list of 7 reasons your ex might have given you for the breakup and what those reasons really mean. All the classics are on the list, but there are also some that will really add some insight, including:

  • It's not you, it's me. (We've all heard this one before)
  • Our relationship isn’t going anywhere.
  • You don’t appreciate me, or I can’t relax.
  • I found someone else.

And the author talks about the other side of the table too (i.e. you did the dumping). You’ll gain some insight into why you ended things – the real reasons. At the end of the day, you’ll better understand yourself and your past relationship.

Admit it, it’s hard to be honest, but it’s so important to work through the process. This program even has worksheets to help you work through your thoughts. If you face the pain now, you’ll have a better chance of winning and building a stronger relationship, whether it’s with your former flame or a new partner.

After you’ve had some time to cool off and contemplate what went wrong, you can start using text messages to get your ex back with Text Judo.

Don’t worry you’ll need to work through modules 1 – 4 before the texting starts. If you’re feeling confused and clueless about what to do now, I’d highly recommend you to get started right now with the program.

Mastering the Art of Text Judo

What is Text Judo anyway?

This is the cornerstone of the program. It teaches you how to craft text messages that will break the ice, rekindle old emotions and give your old relationship a fresh start. After mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to throw your words around like a true judo master.

​The principles behind Text Judo are:

  • Texting is the most efficient and powerful way to communicate. You are in full control to craft the perfect message and send it at your own comfort.
  • You use what’s left from your relationship and harness the energy (positive or negative) into positive emotions you can mutually benefit from.

The 5 Phases of Text Judo

Phase 1: Let the Contact Begin

Across the Bow Texts

Across the Bow texts are all about breaking the ice and initiating contact with your ex. How do you do this? With the G.E.A.R. method. Let me explain:

  • Gently: Keep it light and simple. Now’s not the time to dredge up any emotions.
  • Establish: This step is all about initiating contact and setting up the foundation for future work. In other words, don’t start asking your ex to meet up or talk. In fact, don’t even bring up your past relationship.
  • Affirmative: Always send positive texts. The goal here is to get rid of the negativity and start over. You can’t do this if you’re sending negative messages filled with anger or blame.
  • Rapport: Inspire conversation. Don’t just send meaningless texts, or worse, bombard your ex with messages. Send him messages that he can respond to.

Don’t ask him to get together. And remember, this is not a booty call, and you won’t be able to fix your relationship with just these initial texts. Ladies, you’re setting up the groundwork for a stronger, better relationship with these texts.

Here are some Across the Bow text examples to give you an idea of what kind of messages you’ll be sending:

If your ex responds in a positive way, you can start sending a few Best of Relationship texts. These texts bring up positive past memories. Taking a trip down memory lane will help him remember the good times you shared. You need to be careful here, though. Only send these texts if he responds positively to your initial messages.

Here are some great examples of Best of Relationship texts:

Or a little sneaky trick to get your ex to remind you of an experience. Bet you he’s wondering why you’re asking.

Phase 2: Test the Waters

Intimacy Booster Texts

The test phase is all about testing the waters with Intimacy Booster texts. Mike calls this phase “planting the seeds”. These texts are designed to create a feeling of intimacy between you and your ex. The key is to show him support. Let him know that you still care.

Maybe your ex is going through a tough time, and you want to let him know that you’re there for him. Or, maybe his mom’s birthday is coming up, and you want to remind him. These texts drop little hints that you still care and remember things that are important to him.

Phase 3: Validate Your Ex's Feelings

Emotional Honesty Texts

Phase three – validation. It’s now time to stop playing games and really let him know how you feel. Emotional Honesty texts will validate your ex’s feelings, but they’ll also create incredible intimacy. But here’s the catch – you have to be brutally honest. It’s time to lay all of your cards on the table. And ladies, being this honest can be tough.

It’s time to really let him know what your heart is feeling.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Appreciation texts. Tell him what you appreciate about him. For example, “I really appreciate how you were there for me when my grandmother passed away.” Let him know that you’re grateful he’s in your life. A little gratitude goes a long way.
  • Compliment texts. Compliment him, and be confident about it. Here’s one of my favorite examples of Michael Fiore’s text messages that works really well: “I’ve always loved your hands.” It’s so simple, but so powerful.
  • “What I Miss” texts. Let him know what you miss about him, and be specific. Use sights, smells and sensory images to really bring those memories back to life.
  • “How I Feel” texts. Tell him how you feel. These are tricky. You need to be confident, and you need to be simple. If your message stinks of desperation, you may turn him off – for good. Here’s a great example of this type of text: “It’s funny, but sometimes I really crave you. I always felt so calm and safe around you.”

Don’t let these texts scare you. Being honest is difficult, but he needs to know your true feelings. He’ll respect you more for that.

Phase 4: Translate Your Emotions

Green-Eyed Monster Texts & Attraction Texts

Now it’s time to translate those emotions into attraction and closeness using Green Eyed Monster Texts and Attraction Texts.

We all know how powerful jealousy can be. We want what other people have, and we get really protective when other people try to take what’s “ours.” Green Eyed Monster, or GEM, texts use jealousy in a positive way, but your timing has to be right and you need to be at least a little subtle about it. Remember, you’re sending these texts to get his attention – not make him angry.

Here’s a great GEM text example to really understand how this all ties together:

See how subtle, but powerful this message is? You’re letting him know you were out with someone else, but without throwing it in his face. And let’s be honest – he’s going to assume you were out with another guy. At this point, his old protective instincts will kick in, and he’ll start wanting you even more than he did before this stage.

You will be getting right into his mind without him even realizing it.

Making him jealous will rekindle his attraction for you, and once this happens, you can start sending Attraction texts. I’ll warn you, though, these are text messages that will make him want you. You need to make sure that you send these at the right time, and you need to keep it virtual.

Bring up a sexy story. Remind him of a sexy characteristic that you love about him.

Phase 5: Connect the Dots

Seal the Deal

At this point, you’re ready to seal the deal, and make the move from virtual (texting) to physical (going on a date).

But before we talk about moving onto dating, there’s one thing that needs to be stressed here.

DISCLAIMER: Text Judo is not about manipulation or tricking your ex into getting back together. If your ex is truly over you, there may be no hope for your relationship. But if your ex still has even an ounce of feelings for you, this system will work. The messages you send will be powerful, and they’ll bring back old memories that will rekindle his old feelings for you.

How to Take Everything Back to the Real World

Once you’ve reached the final phase of Text Judo, you can finally move from texting to dating. Waiting wasn’t so hard, was it? Here are some tips to help with the transition:

  • Try to get him to make the move. This entire system is so much more effective if he decides that he wants to see you.
  • Keep things simple and casual. Meet for coffee or lunch, and don’t try to be romantic. Just get together and talk.
  • Don’t act as if you’re going steady. If he wants to go out on another date, fine. But don’t assume another date is on the table.

The texting doesn’t end after your first date either. Sending a powerful post-date text will help move things along. You’ll find plenty of free examples in the Text Your Ex Back program that you can use to seal the deal and move forward with your new relationship.

Questions About Text Your Ex Back?

I'm sure you have some questions about the program and whether it will work for you. I've compiled a list below of the common questions people have asked me. If there's a question you have about the program, feel free to add it in the comment box below.
Click on each question to see the answer.

Do I really need 30 days for the No Contact period?

The purpose of the No Contact Rule is to give you and your ex time and space to cool off emotions and reflect on what you two both truly want. The number of days is up to you but 30 days is generally a minimum benchmark for most people to recover from a breakup.
Even if you don't need 30 days, your ex may appreciate the time for himself.

I've tried everything to get my ex back. How can text messages work any better?

The reason why text messaging works so well is because it is the most direct and personal method we have of communicating with each other. It eliminates any 'awkwardness' or sudden emotional reactions if you talk face-to-face in person.
Texting just makes it much easier on yourself since you are in full control of what you want to say and when you want to deliver the message at your own comfort.

The types of texts provided are effective when used correctly at the right time. The goal is always to build and leave behind a positive interaction between you and your ex. The program provides examples of the types of messages you'll use, but it is highly recommended that you adjust the message so it reflects your relationship.
Don't worry, Michael Fiore also walks you through crafting text messages that best fits your situation.

This really depends on your ex's reaction to your messages. Text Judo comes with timetable to help you plan your communication. But for me, here are three general rules:
1. Always wait for your ex to reply. If he replies, wait a day or two.
2. Keep messages open-ended so there's no expectation to get a reply.
3. If he doesn't reply, give it a week before your next text.

My ex doesn't use text messages? Will this still work for me?

Yes, the texting strategies can also work on instant messaging or social media like Facebook. The program is regularly updated to include alternatives. If your ex doesn't use text messages, you can try it out in the beginning to see if he responds as it opens up a new line of communication for you two.

The program cost $47 and is available for download right after the order is processed.

Text Your Ex Back comes with:
1. the Main manual in both PDF and audio version.
2. Access to the coaching and support community.
3. 4 bonus relationship guides.
Read Part 1 of my review for more program details.

The program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with it, simply contact Michael Fiore's support desk for a refund. Keep in mind that the program does not guarantee that you will successfully get your ex back.
No one can.
Your best chance is to apply the steps and take action based on your situation. The lessons you learn will help you decide the best course of action but it's up to you to make things happen.

I cannot find the order button on the official website.

The order button does not appear until about 10 minutes into the video. This can be a bit frustrating and confusing.
The easy fix is simply to refresh the page and the order button will appear under the video.

A Genuine Program Every Step of the Way

The Text Your Ex Back program is the most thorough and detailed “get your ex back” program I’ve read. If you follow these techniques and really have an understanding of what went wrong in your relationship, this program will help you start building a new relationship with your ex.

Virtually every step of the way, you’ll find detailed and vivid examples that make you scratch your head and say “why didn’t I think of that?” From the very start, your hand is held as you learn how and why to apply the no contact rule to finally get yourself back.

After working on yourself and regaining your fierce attitude, you’ll be able to send a powerful across the bow text that will knock him off of his feet. Text Judo really gets you into the mindset of what to say and when to say it. With the provided examples, sending texts will be almost intuitive.

Ready to reel him back in?

Click Here For Instant Access To Download Text Your Ex Back

You only get one “love of your life”. Don’t let him slip away.

Author: Michael Fiore


Practical, straightforward advice


Great price for a full program

Easy to Follow

Step by step lessons with exercises


Community in Member's area

What I Like

  • Real relationship advice
  • Helps you understand what went wrong and how to deal with it
  • Full actionable texting plan with text examples to follow

What I Don't Like

  • Texting might not work for everyone
  • Some harsh reality checks

Summary: The program is a lot more than just texting your ex back. It walks you through your breakup and prepares you with the best chance to win him back. The ideas and techniques in this guide are easy to use and apply for everyone.

This is Part 2 of my two-part review on Michael Fiore's Text Your Ex Back.

Part 1: Program Overview
Covers in-depth each module and highlights the pros and cons. I also include my personal experience and how this program has helped me with my relationship.
Click here to read Part 1.

Part 2: Examples of Core Lessons
Provide a sneak peak of the valuable lessons in the program including text messages that are proven effective and responsive. This post will help you understand the steps you need to take to recover and get in touch with your ex as quickly as possible.

Can you really text your way back into his heart? Using the techniques in the Text Your Ex Back program, thousands of women all over the world have rekindled their lost relationships.

And for me, this was the best program that helped me to truly understand what went wrong in my relationship.

I learned two critical lessons from this program:

  • You need time. Waiting 30 days before contacting him is crucial – and hard.
  • Sending powerful, emotionally-charged texts can rekindle his feelings for you.

So, why do you need to wait? By expanding on the core lessons, you’ll quickly learn why waiting is so important. I’ll share some Text Your Ex Back examples with you too, so you can get an idea of what type of text messages by Michael Fiore you’ll be sending.

  • Product Name: Text Your Ex Back
  • Product Creator: Michael Fiore
  • Official Website: Text Your Ex Back.com
  • Price: $47
  • Guarantee: 60 Days Money Back Guarantee
  • Delivery Time Period: Instant Delivery
  • Delivery Method: Online Access, Downloadable PDFs, Videos
  • Bonus Offer: 4 Bonus Products: 100 Ready-to-Use Texts, Infidelity Buster, Instant Forgiveness, Facebook Romance Secrets
  • Description: Full, step-by-step system to put yourself back together so you'll be ready for a second chance with the love of your life.

Key lessons discussed in this post:

  • Why the 30 day No Contact Rule is set in stone.
  • Understanding what went wrong in your relationship.
  • What is Text Judo and why it works.
  • Examples of text messages that will get your ex's attention.

Ex Girlfriend Recovery Pro Pdf Download Torrent 2017

Getting Yourself Together & The 30 Day Rule

One of the key concepts that the Text Your Ex Back program stresses is avoiding contact for the first 30 days after your breakup. And it’s so important to heed the author’s warning here. No matter how hard it is. Put down that phone!

Ladies, I know how hard it is to avoid your ex. But this is one of (if not the) most important parts of the process. You need to wait 30 days before contacting him. That’s it – bottom line. The breakup is still too fresh. You still have too many wild emotions flying around to really make meaningful contact with your ex.

Just think about it – do you really have anything thoughtful to say? At this point, you’re probably still fuming.

I made the mistake of contacting my ex during the first 30 days, and you know what happened? The two of us just went back and forth throwing blame and anger at each other. We were still so hurt about the breakup. The wounds were still healing.

Trust me, I learned the hard way that waiting is the only thing you should (and can) do. Don’t make the same mistake as I did.

Don’t blow your second chance to make things right.

So, what do you do during the 30 days of no contact?

Work on you.

Michael Fiore stresses the importance of taking time for yourself. Pamper yourself. Get into shape, and spend some time on your mental and emotional well-being. Get out there and date other people. Go out with the girls. Get your confidence back.

Start being awesome again.

To get a taste of what the no contact rule is about, I suggest reading my comprehensive post on this amazingly simple, yet highly effective concept.

Aside from working on yourself, you’ll also use this time to read through the program’s second module to better understand what went wrong in your relationship.

Ex Girlfriend Still Angry

What Went Wrong In Your Relationship?

Now that you’ve solemnly sworn off contact, you can start your journey to understanding what went wrong. This is where Module 2: Dumper and Dumped comes in.

Dumper and Dumped calls on you to ask yourself one really tough question: Why did you break up – truthfully? You need to be brutally honest here, and that can be tough – especially if you were the one who was dumped.

If you were dumped (like me), the reason behind your breakup will be pretty clear after reading this section. The author goes through a list of 7 reasons your ex might have given you for the breakup and what those reasons really mean. All the classics are on the list, but there are also some that will really add some insight, including:

  • It's not you, it's me. (We've all heard this one before)
  • Our relationship isn’t going anywhere.
  • You don’t appreciate me, or I can’t relax.
  • I found someone else.

And the author talks about the other side of the table too (i.e. you did the dumping). You’ll gain some insight into why you ended things – the real reasons. At the end of the day, you’ll better understand yourself and your past relationship.

Admit it, it’s hard to be honest, but it’s so important to work through the process. This program even has worksheets to help you work through your thoughts. If you face the pain now, you’ll have a better chance of winning and building a stronger relationship, whether it’s with your former flame or a new partner.

After you’ve had some time to cool off and contemplate what went wrong, you can start using text messages to get your ex back with Text Judo.

Don’t worry you’ll need to work through modules 1 – 4 before the texting starts. If you’re feeling confused and clueless about what to do now, I’d highly recommend you to get started right now with the program.

Mastering the Art of Text Judo

What is Text Judo anyway?

This is the cornerstone of the program. It teaches you how to craft text messages that will break the ice, rekindle old emotions and give your old relationship a fresh start. After mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to throw your words around like a true judo master.

​The principles behind Text Judo are:

  • Texting is the most efficient and powerful way to communicate. You are in full control to craft the perfect message and send it at your own comfort.
  • You use what’s left from your relationship and harness the energy (positive or negative) into positive emotions you can mutually benefit from.

The 5 Phases of Text Judo

Phase 1: Let the Contact Begin

Across the Bow Texts

Across the Bow texts are all about breaking the ice and initiating contact with your ex. How do you do this? With the G.E.A.R. method. Let me explain:

  • Gently: Keep it light and simple. Now’s not the time to dredge up any emotions.
  • Establish: This step is all about initiating contact and setting up the foundation for future work. In other words, don’t start asking your ex to meet up or talk. In fact, don’t even bring up your past relationship.
  • Affirmative: Always send positive texts. The goal here is to get rid of the negativity and start over. You can’t do this if you’re sending negative messages filled with anger or blame.
  • Rapport: Inspire conversation. Don’t just send meaningless texts, or worse, bombard your ex with messages. Send him messages that he can respond to.

Don’t ask him to get together. And remember, this is not a booty call, and you won’t be able to fix your relationship with just these initial texts. Ladies, you’re setting up the groundwork for a stronger, better relationship with these texts.

Here are some Across the Bow text examples to give you an idea of what kind of messages you’ll be sending:

If your ex responds in a positive way, you can start sending a few Best of Relationship texts. These texts bring up positive past memories. Taking a trip down memory lane will help him remember the good times you shared. You need to be careful here, though. Only send these texts if he responds positively to your initial messages.

Here are some great examples of Best of Relationship texts:

Or a little sneaky trick to get your ex to remind you of an experience. Bet you he’s wondering why you’re asking.

Phase 2: Test the Waters

Intimacy Booster Texts

The test phase is all about testing the waters with Intimacy Booster texts. Mike calls this phase “planting the seeds”. These texts are designed to create a feeling of intimacy between you and your ex. The key is to show him support. Let him know that you still care.

Maybe your ex is going through a tough time, and you want to let him know that you’re there for him. Or, maybe his mom’s birthday is coming up, and you want to remind him. These texts drop little hints that you still care and remember things that are important to him.

Phase 3: Validate Your Ex's Feelings

Emotional Honesty Texts

Phase three – validation. It’s now time to stop playing games and really let him know how you feel. Emotional Honesty texts will validate your ex’s feelings, but they’ll also create incredible intimacy. But here’s the catch – you have to be brutally honest. It’s time to lay all of your cards on the table. And ladies, being this honest can be tough.

It’s time to really let him know what your heart is feeling.

There are a few ways to do this:

  • Appreciation texts. Tell him what you appreciate about him. For example, “I really appreciate how you were there for me when my grandmother passed away.” Let him know that you’re grateful he’s in your life. A little gratitude goes a long way.
  • Compliment texts. Compliment him, and be confident about it. Here’s one of my favorite examples of Michael Fiore’s text messages that works really well: “I’ve always loved your hands.” It’s so simple, but so powerful.
  • “What I Miss” texts. Let him know what you miss about him, and be specific. Use sights, smells and sensory images to really bring those memories back to life.
  • “How I Feel” texts. Tell him how you feel. These are tricky. You need to be confident, and you need to be simple. If your message stinks of desperation, you may turn him off – for good. Here’s a great example of this type of text: “It’s funny, but sometimes I really crave you. I always felt so calm and safe around you.”

Don’t let these texts scare you. Being honest is difficult, but he needs to know your true feelings. He’ll respect you more for that.

Phase 4: Translate Your Emotions

Green-Eyed Monster Texts & Attraction Texts

Now it’s time to translate those emotions into attraction and closeness using Green Eyed Monster Texts and Attraction Texts.

We all know how powerful jealousy can be. We want what other people have, and we get really protective when other people try to take what’s “ours.” Green Eyed Monster, or GEM, texts use jealousy in a positive way, but your timing has to be right and you need to be at least a little subtle about it. Remember, you’re sending these texts to get his attention – not make him angry.

Here’s a great GEM text example to really understand how this all ties together:

See how subtle, but powerful this message is? You’re letting him know you were out with someone else, but without throwing it in his face. And let’s be honest – he’s going to assume you were out with another guy. At this point, his old protective instincts will kick in, and he’ll start wanting you even more than he did before this stage.

You will be getting right into his mind without him even realizing it.

Making him jealous will rekindle his attraction for you, and once this happens, you can start sending Attraction texts. I’ll warn you, though, these are text messages that will make him want you. You need to make sure that you send these at the right time, and you need to keep it virtual.

Ex Girlfriend Recovery Pro Pdf Download Torrent Download

Bring up a sexy story. Remind him of a sexy characteristic that you love about him.

Phase 5: Connect the Dots

Seal the Deal

At this point, you’re ready to seal the deal, and make the move from virtual (texting) to physical (going on a date).

But before we talk about moving onto dating, there’s one thing that needs to be stressed here.

DISCLAIMER: Text Judo is not about manipulation or tricking your ex into getting back together. If your ex is truly over you, there may be no hope for your relationship. But if your ex still has even an ounce of feelings for you, this system will work. The messages you send will be powerful, and they’ll bring back old memories that will rekindle his old feelings for you.

How to Take Everything Back to the Real World

Once you’ve reached the final phase of Text Judo, you can finally move from texting to dating. Waiting wasn’t so hard, was it? Here are some tips to help with the transition:

  • Try to get him to make the move. This entire system is so much more effective if he decides that he wants to see you.
  • Keep things simple and casual. Meet for coffee or lunch, and don’t try to be romantic. Just get together and talk.
  • Don’t act as if you’re going steady. If he wants to go out on another date, fine. But don’t assume another date is on the table.

The texting doesn’t end after your first date either. Sending a powerful post-date text will help move things along. You’ll find plenty of free examples in the Text Your Ex Back program that you can use to seal the deal and move forward with your new relationship.

Questions About Text Your Ex Back?

I'm sure you have some questions about the program and whether it will work for you. I've compiled a list below of the common questions people have asked me. If there's a question you have about the program, feel free to add it in the comment box below.
Click on each question to see the answer.

Do I really need 30 days for the No Contact period?

The purpose of the No Contact Rule is to give you and your ex time and space to cool off emotions and reflect on what you two both truly want. The number of days is up to you but 30 days is generally a minimum benchmark for most people to recover from a breakup.
Even if you don't need 30 days, your ex may appreciate the time for himself.

I've tried everything to get my ex back. How can text messages work any better?

The reason why text messaging works so well is because it is the most direct and personal method we have of communicating with each other. It eliminates any 'awkwardness' or sudden emotional reactions if you talk face-to-face in person.
Texting just makes it much easier on yourself since you are in full control of what you want to say and when you want to deliver the message at your own comfort.

The types of texts provided are effective when used correctly at the right time. The goal is always to build and leave behind a positive interaction between you and your ex. The program provides examples of the types of messages you'll use, but it is highly recommended that you adjust the message so it reflects your relationship.
Don't worry, Michael Fiore also walks you through crafting text messages that best fits your situation.

This really depends on your ex's reaction to your messages. Text Judo comes with timetable to help you plan your communication. But for me, here are three general rules:
1. Always wait for your ex to reply. If he replies, wait a day or two.
2. Keep messages open-ended so there's no expectation to get a reply.
3. If he doesn't reply, give it a week before your next text.

My ex doesn't use text messages? Will this still work for me?

Yes, the texting strategies can also work on instant messaging or social media like Facebook. The program is regularly updated to include alternatives. If your ex doesn't use text messages, you can try it out in the beginning to see if he responds as it opens up a new line of communication for you two.

The program cost $47 and is available for download right after the order is processed.

Text Your Ex Back comes with:
1. the Main manual in both PDF and audio version.
2. Access to the coaching and support community.
3. 4 bonus relationship guides.
Read Part 1 of my review for more program details.

The program comes with a 60-day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy with it, simply contact Michael Fiore's support desk for a refund. Keep in mind that the program does not guarantee that you will successfully get your ex back.
No one can.
Your best chance is to apply the steps and take action based on your situation. The lessons you learn will help you decide the best course of action but it's up to you to make things happen.

I cannot find the order button on the official website.

The order button does not appear until about 10 minutes into the video. This can be a bit frustrating and confusing.
The easy fix is simply to refresh the page and the order button will appear under the video.

A Genuine Program Every Step of the Way

The Text Your Ex Back program is the most thorough and detailed “get your ex back” program I’ve read. If you follow these techniques and really have an understanding of what went wrong in your relationship, this program will help you start building a new relationship with your ex.

Virtually every step of the way, you’ll find detailed and vivid examples that make you scratch your head and say “why didn’t I think of that?” From the very start, your hand is held as you learn how and why to apply the no contact rule to finally get yourself back.

After working on yourself and regaining your fierce attitude, you’ll be able to send a powerful across the bow text that will knock him off of his feet. Text Judo really gets you into the mindset of what to say and when to say it. With the provided examples, sending texts will be almost intuitive.

Ready to reel him back in?

Click Here For Instant Access To Download Text Your Ex Back

You only get one “love of your life”. Don’t let him slip away.